Interesting in serving in one or more of these ministries? Fill our our Ministry Interest Form.
For Spiritual Ministries, CLICK HERE.
For Faith Formation Ministries, CLICK HERE.
For Church Groups, CLICK HERE.
For Faith Formation Ministries, CLICK HERE.
For Church Groups, CLICK HERE.
Liturgical Ministries
The entire parish family exercises a ministry of hospitality in that we all are to mirror God's welcoming nature in the way we welcome one another.
Certain members of the community take special leadership and concern in seeing that there are no strangers in our church and that all who come through our doors find a welcome place in our midst.
Men women and youth are needed at every Mass to greet all who arrive, to answer guests' questions or give directions, to take up the collection, to distribute weekly bulletins, and to perform any other service the assembly may need.
These greeters and ushers arrive at least fifteen minutes before Mass. They usually stay a few minutes after Mass to tidy up our worship space in preparation for the next liturgy.
Certain members of the community take special leadership and concern in seeing that there are no strangers in our church and that all who come through our doors find a welcome place in our midst.
Men women and youth are needed at every Mass to greet all who arrive, to answer guests' questions or give directions, to take up the collection, to distribute weekly bulletins, and to perform any other service the assembly may need.
These greeters and ushers arrive at least fifteen minutes before Mass. They usually stay a few minutes after Mass to tidy up our worship space in preparation for the next liturgy.
Decor within the worship space contribute significantly to the spirit of worship. Within any parish community there are members talented in some form of the visual arts. They can make a significant contribution to the spirit! The only qualification is the willingness to share the talent.
The joy this ministry brings is the sharing of creative talent with others as all those involved develop ideas for helping to create an appropriate space, one which respects the Church's faith, the sacred action we do together, and the liturgical feast or season which we celebrate at any given time.
The joy this ministry brings is the sharing of creative talent with others as all those involved develop ideas for helping to create an appropriate space, one which respects the Church's faith, the sacred action we do together, and the liturgical feast or season which we celebrate at any given time.
Altar Servers
Altar servers assist the priest at liturgy. Any child who has already received First Communion is eligible to serve, and we encourage father-son teams.
All servers need to be able to receive Holy Communion and be willing to attend any training sessions. Scheduling depends on the size of the corps of servers and of course on the availability of the individual servers.
Servers need to arrive fifteen minutes before Mass. They also need to know and be willing to make all the recited and sung responses at Mass.
Just as with adult liturgical ministers, school-age servers need to be responsible about showing up for their assigned Masses. In cases where they are unable to be present, they are expected to provide their own substitute. A roster is provided to each server to help with that.
Altar Server Registration Form (PDF Version)
All servers need to be able to receive Holy Communion and be willing to attend any training sessions. Scheduling depends on the size of the corps of servers and of course on the availability of the individual servers.
Servers need to arrive fifteen minutes before Mass. They also need to know and be willing to make all the recited and sung responses at Mass.
Just as with adult liturgical ministers, school-age servers need to be responsible about showing up for their assigned Masses. In cases where they are unable to be present, they are expected to provide their own substitute. A roster is provided to each server to help with that.
Altar Server Registration Form (PDF Version)
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist/Ministry to the Homebound
A deep, abiding faith in the Jesus who is our food and our life is to mark the life of all Catholics, and particularly Eucharistic Ministers.
Any fully initiated Catholic, in good standing, who is a registered parishioner may apply for this ministry.
Attendance at a training session is required. Like Lectors, Ministers of the Eucharist are scheduled according to the needs of the parish. An additional ministry for anyone interested is the bringing of Holy Communion to the homebound. This ministry is usually carried out immediately following the Mass at which the Minister of the Eucharist serves. The frequency of these home visits would depend on the willingness and availability of the Minister of the Eucharist as well as the needs of the homebound.
Any fully initiated Catholic, in good standing, who is a registered parishioner may apply for this ministry.
Attendance at a training session is required. Like Lectors, Ministers of the Eucharist are scheduled according to the needs of the parish. An additional ministry for anyone interested is the bringing of Holy Communion to the homebound. This ministry is usually carried out immediately following the Mass at which the Minister of the Eucharist serves. The frequency of these home visits would depend on the willingness and availability of the Minister of the Eucharist as well as the needs of the homebound.
In the Eucharistic liturgy, God is present in His Word just as truly as Jesus himself is present in the Eucharist. Therefore the proclamation of God's Word is an extremely important liturgical ministry.
Through this ministry, God continues to give us life, form us, mold us, shape us, challenge us, convert us, grace us, and draw us to deeper life in Him. One who aspires to this ministry holds this belief deeply. He or she should have the skill of public reading. He or she needs to be willing to attend the required training program. Two lectors are assigned at each Sunday Mass, one to proclaim each of the two first readings.
The scheduling of lectors is done according to the needs of preferences of the individual lector as well as according to the needs of the parish. Each lector is provided with a workbook to assist him or her in preparation.
This ministry is open to any Catholic, fully initiated (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist) who is a registered parishioner. Newly confirmed youth and adults are particularly urged to consider this ministry.
Through this ministry, God continues to give us life, form us, mold us, shape us, challenge us, convert us, grace us, and draw us to deeper life in Him. One who aspires to this ministry holds this belief deeply. He or she should have the skill of public reading. He or she needs to be willing to attend the required training program. Two lectors are assigned at each Sunday Mass, one to proclaim each of the two first readings.
The scheduling of lectors is done according to the needs of preferences of the individual lector as well as according to the needs of the parish. Each lector is provided with a workbook to assist him or her in preparation.
This ministry is open to any Catholic, fully initiated (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist) who is a registered parishioner. Newly confirmed youth and adults are particularly urged to consider this ministry.
Music Ministry
Music ministry serves our church community by enhancing the liturgies with music and song. A choir, whether its members be few or abundant, whether its talents be abundant or modest, serves the people who have come in sung prayer. Singing together offers occasion for group patience, discipline, and solidarity.
Some of us may be novice choristers just learning about notes, repertory and techniques. Others may be old veterans who have weathered changes in our liturgies. Yet, each of us is called to grow, to improve our musical knowledge and understanding of worship. The ministry opportunities include both instrumentalist and choir.
Some of us may be novice choristers just learning about notes, repertory and techniques. Others may be old veterans who have weathered changes in our liturgies. Yet, each of us is called to grow, to improve our musical knowledge and understanding of worship. The ministry opportunities include both instrumentalist and choir.
Altar Society
The purpose of the Altar Society is to care for the immediate needs of the altar, sacristy and sanctuary by providing the altar wine, communion hosts, altar linens, and candles. Dusting and cleaning the church, changing the Holy Water and altar cloths, straightening books, and replacing candles are the main duties of this group. The altar society is a vital group, if we are to have a church that will stay well maintained. Altar Society members also weekly wash and iron the hand towels and purificators used at the Masses.
Spiritual Ministries
Eucharistic Adoration
Adoration is a sign of devotion to and worship of Jesus Christ under the appearance of the consecrated host. As a devotion, Eucharistic adoration and prayer are more than merely looking at the Blessed Host, but are a continuation of what was celebrated in the Eucharist.
Members of this ministry assist in preparing the church for monthly Adoration.
Members of this ministry assist in preparing the church for monthly Adoration.
Bereavement Ministry
Losing a loved one can be one of the most difficult and painful experiences a person will go through. The Bereavement Ministry seeks to help ease the pain associated with that loss.
Evangelization Ministry
As Catholics, we are called by God to spread His good word. The mission of the evangelization ministry is to perform this duty. Members of this ministry are tasked with bringing the everlasting truth of the gospel to the men and women of today, especially through use of new technology such as social media.
Vocation Ministry
The goal of the Vocation Ministry is to help all parishioners discern God’s will in their lives. Whether the call is to married life, religious life in formation, or joining the priesthood, members of the Vocation Ministry seek to help guide parishioners to answer God's call.
Helping Hands
Jesus asks us to assist those less fortunate than ourselves. The Helping Hands ministry exists to perform that duty. Through donations from parishioners, this ministry offers assistance to those in need.
Food for Seniors
Food for Seniors is a program run by Catholic Charities of New Orleans. Food is distributed at various Catholic churches throughout the greater New Orleans area, including Our Lady of Lourdes Church. It is staffed by volunteers from Our Lady of Lourdes. Only those who are registered for the program with Catholic Charities can receive food.
Catholic Charities Website
Catholic Charities Website
Rosary Prayer Group
First Tuesday of every month at 10:00 AM.
Jesus taught that praying with others is especially powerful as He is there within our midst during these times. This especially is true for the Rosary. As a community, we come together to pray the Rosary to further nourish our relationship with God.
Jesus taught that praying with others is especially powerful as He is there within our midst during these times. This especially is true for the Rosary. As a community, we come together to pray the Rosary to further nourish our relationship with God.
Faith Formation Ministries
Right of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.)
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the Church's process of welcoming newcomers into full communion with the Catholic Church. Adults who want to join the Catholic faith or Catholics who just want to learn more as they continue their journey of faith are called to participate in the R.C.I.A. For more information on the R.C.I.A., click HERE.
RCIA Registration Form (PDF Version)
RCIA Information
RCIA Registration Form (PDF Version)
RCIA Information
Parish School of Religion/Vacation Bible School
Our Parish School of Religion is for all Catholics in elementary are high school through 11th grade.
Vacation Bible School takes children ages 4-10 or those entering 5th grade. Both adult volunteers and minors are needed and appreciated. The parents of volunteers under 16 must speak to Mrs. Debbie Taffaro before they will be allowed to help.
For more information on the Parish School of Religion or the Vacation Bible School, click HERE.
Vacation Bible School takes children ages 4-10 or those entering 5th grade. Both adult volunteers and minors are needed and appreciated. The parents of volunteers under 16 must speak to Mrs. Debbie Taffaro before they will be allowed to help.
For more information on the Parish School of Religion or the Vacation Bible School, click HERE.